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Millicent Lai

Tel: (852) 9657 0815

Whatsapp: (852) 9657 0815

WeChat ID: millicentlai1100

Skype ID: starsgazing


Hong Kong

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A session is typically around 1 hour, it can go beyond 1.5 hours at the first session. The cost for each hour is HK$1400 (online), and HK$350 for every 15 minutes after the first hour. Payment can be made by cash, via PayMe, FPS or PayPal. Add an extra HK$200 rental fee for a face-to-face session.

A special offer for SOI current year's students at HK$1200 per hour.

Bundle Offer: Hk$5500 for 5 online sessions, each session at one hour. Need to finish all 5 sessions without 6 months.


Bringing a written recent dream with you to the session would help to get a clear perspective of where you are at.

SRT, SpR, and Imagery/Dream Opening sessions can be conducted in person, via phone, Skype, or FaceTime. Reiki can be applied in person or distant or for a third person recipient.


Please notify me if you have undergone any surgeries, pacemakers, or serious illnesses. Please wear a comfortable and loose-fitting outfit for SpR and Reiki sessions.


All healing and coaching modalities offered are not intended to diagnose or prescribe. They are not considered as a substitute for your inner guidance, or consultation with a licensed health care professional.

一般諮詢時間約為1小時,第一次諮詢可能會超過1.5小時。每小時為港幣$1400 (Zoom 線上),隨後每十五分鐘為港幣$350。可以現金,PayMe,FPS 或PayPal付費。如要面談,需另加每小時港幣$200 租場費。

參加本年度SOI恆常課程的同學,可有每小時港幣$1200 (Zoom 線上) 的優惠。

Bundle優惠:港幣$5500 五節線上個案諮詢 (每節一小時),需於六個月內完成。



SRT,SpR和 Imagery/Dream Opening 諮詢可以通過面談、電話、Skype或FaceTime進行。 靈氣可以親身或遠距離進行,亦可替第三者進行。



提供的所有療癒和指導不等於診斷或開藥。 它們不被視為替代你自己的直覺指導、或持牌醫護專業人士的意見。

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